Copyright information

Copyright information

At Geoplan, we are committed to continuously improving the products and services we offer. With this  in mind, improvements and updates to these products and services can take place at any time.  Whilst we strive to keep our literature and our website up to date to reflect these changes, there is a  possibility that from time to time, differences may arise.

Copyright and Reproduction

This website has been designed, published and distributed by Geoplan Spatial Intelligence Limited. No  reproduction, copying, scanning storing or transmission, through any medium, of this publication or any  part of it is permitted without the express written consent of Geoplan. ©Geoplan Spatial Intelligence Limited 2024. All rights reserved.

HMSO ©Crown Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. License Number 100019876. ©2024 TomTom. Includes mapping data licensed from Ordnance Survey with the permission of  HMSO ©Crown Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. License Number 100026920. All  rights reserved. Postcodes copyright ©Post Office Limited 2024. All rights reserved. ONS and GRO(S) ©Crown Copyright 2024.

All brands and Trademarks are fully recognised as the property of their respective owners.


E-mails including any attachments sent by Geoplan, are intended for the named recipient only and may  be confidential. Should they arrive with you in error, you must take no action based on them, nor must  you copy or show them to anyone; please contact the sender immediately and delete the email.


Please note that Internet e-mail is not a 100% secure communications medium. We advise that you  understand and observe this lack of security when e-mailing us.


We have taken steps to ensure that all e-mails and attachments sent by Geoplan are free from any  viruses. We advise that in keeping with good practice the recipient should make a further virus check.


Every effort has been taken to ensure that the information contained within this website is accurate and  correct at the time of going to print. However, this information is subject to change without notice.